Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Introduction of project.

In April 20, 2010 an explosion and fire on BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig killed 11 workers. The rig, owned by Transocean Ltd and licensed to BP, was drilling 42 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana, in 1,500 meters of water. The well had reached 3,900 meters under the seabed. This was the beginning of a major catastrophe. And only two days after the Deepwater Horizon sank had a 5-mile (8-km) oil slick formed. For three months, oil flew. I find human caused catastrophes interesting because of what it brings about. It means that we as humans needs to work together and through our gained knowledge solve the situation. This project is based on my knowledge of digital humanities. It means that this historic event will by analyzed using different digital tools and digitalizing materials.

Similar projects or, at least parts of it can bee seen, BP have on their homepage a interactive map and several shenomorph maps that you can download which will be helpful when explaining difficult data. Due to time restriction I will only be able to perform text analysis on one BP press release and one article about the leak from the Washington Post. Then I will compare and I will discuss similarities and patterns from the visualizations. The project will also include an interactive map that will show the location where Deepwater Horizon sank, and the fishing boundary that the oil leak led to. And finally a natural preserve, with a seashore rich of wild life. These locations will be marked on a map by using Google Maps.

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